Persevere dear heart, our work in this life matters.


Over an over we continue to be encouraged towards creating and sharing our music. This year has overwhelmingly been a year where we have continued to experience glimmering hope, even admit a lot of doubting. Little nods from the Lord saying: go do your work! Run this race, do not doubt.

This week it came from our paster, George Robertson, as he shared from the last chapter of Revelation. In this passage Chapter 22 we are reminded of the image of the river of life, and we see how the Lord will perfect relationships in three main areas. Relationship between: Justice & Mercy, Work & Worship, God & Man.

As George spoke on the perfection of the relationship between work and worship, he shared how our work even in this life, in glorifying him, plants seeds and is given new life in the new world that is coming!

Every song you craft, every heart you touch, every work you do, our work finds new life in the world to come.

What an encouragement for us creatives to see how our work in this life matters, not for selfish gain, but as a great work towards worshiping him now and for forever more through out eternity! So, persevere dear heart, our work in this life matters!

Hymn Lyrics from “O for a faith that will not shrink” by William Hiley Bathurst, which will be featured in a song on our upcoming album, speaks directly to this concept of eternity.

Lord, give us such a faith as this,
And then, whate’er may come,
We’ll taste e’en here the hallowed bliss
Of an eternal home.

Oh Lord, may we continue to know and understand that you craft our every moment and our every task. We look forward to that one day at your feet when we will understand in hallowed bliss our eternal worth in you!

Blessings on your week!


(Photo by the talented: © Mackenzie Leigh Photography)

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